Monday, April 16, 2012

Our Team Store and Jail and Bail

Hey Relayers! We've done some great work so far so let's keep it going! Two big announcements this week. We are trying to get more people out to our team store! I've included a picture and the Slurl to the store. Tp there, make a lm, and share with your friends! Let's raise some lindens! Also our Jail and Bail event is coming up soon! More info below!

All Quasar employees signed up for the event will be arrested and placed in jail at the start of the event unless other wise worked out in Shifts before with Sheriff.  If for any reason you need to be released before your bail is met you must speak with sheriff and make arrangements for a work release program.  LOL   Work release will cost 500 L per hr. 

Your Sheriffs will be: CC Shea and Leala

You can post warrants for others to be arrested that do not work at Quasar. 
Put out a warrant for someone other then staff:  750 L per person

1st Bond is set at :  5000 L per person

You may not post bond for yourself but can for each other or a friend.  You can be rearrested if your friends feel you are a bad one to be set free!! 

To Raise bond IM all your friends till they donate enough to get you free. 

Re Arrest will cost the person requesting it :  1000 L
2nd Bond will be set at :  2500 L per person

There is no limit to the times you can be rearrested!!!!!!!

All fees for arrests and bails will be paid directly to the Relay for Life Kiosk located at the jail.  

At close of event anyone remaining in jail will have to pay a fine before being released.   Fine for release will be 500 L. 

To Sign up for the event or to issue a warrant for a friends please contacts Leala Spire for an application and return it to Leala Spire or Coloradocowboy Manen....  ASAP.  DEADLINE IS APRIL 18TH!

Let's keep up the great work! Go relay!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

On your mark... get ready... GO RELAY!!!!!!

     I am so excited about this year's relay.  I just feel like there is magic in the air.  Plans are in the works for some incredible events and this year's team is once again fulled with talent and excited people ready to Relay.  Now I'm not much of a blogger so you will be seeing messages from several of us.  We will try and keep you up to date on events and plans.  

    We just had our Kick off party this past Sunday.  I almost forget to snap a pic but I did manage to remember before everyone left.   :)   We have some great new team members.  While Gala is still a co captain this year... real life is keeping her busy, as well as Maddie.  Soooo we have two new co captains this year...  SheaJane Carami and Jezebel Topaz !!!!   Both ladies did an over the top job last year as part of the team and i'm very proud to have them as co captains.  Make sure if you do not them on your friend list team members that you added them.  Add a picture from Sunday's Kick off.. and then going to let the rest of them tell you what is in the works.   Check back often.   ~~ Hugs  Leala