Saturday, May 30, 2015

Romantic Kiss Photo Contest

Enter your favorite romantic kiss photo by 11am Wed June 3rd. Voting will be at the Kiss Cancer Goodbye event.

To vote, go to Kiss Cancer Goodbye Relay dAlliez (128, 22, 23) June 3, 11am-7:30pm and make a donation to the photo's kiosk. Each linden = 1 vote.

Prizes given to the top 3 vote getters. Grand prize is a valuable romantic weekend getaway!

  1. Must be a photo shot in SL.
  2. Photos must be PG rated (all bits covered).
  3. Only one submission per person. A couple may submit 2 photos--one submitted by each person.
  4. Title the photo with your SL Username (the name you registered and that cannot be changed). If you want your SL Screen Name used to identify the photo for voting, then include BOTH your Screen Name and Username: for example, Andy McSandy andym.resident
  5. To enter, submit a full perm texture via IM to miles.beck or leala.spire
Also at Kiss Cancer Goodbye June 3rd, 11am-1pm and 5-8pm:
  • Kissing Booths!!!
  • DJs
  • Raffles
All proceeds go to RFL! 

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Raffles for a Lapointe & Bastchild Gift Card & A Weekend Getaway end TODAY Sunday May 24 at RelayStock

Come bid on two amazing Inspired Dreamwalkers raffles at RelayStock.

Both auctions began last week at Halfway There. They end today Sunday May 24 at 4pm SLT at RelayStock.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Totally Awesome 80's - Saturday May 23

Please join us Saturday May 23rd

We will Relay into the eighties with the following amazing DJ's !!!

5:00 to 6:00  pm SLT  DJ Dizzie
6:00 to 8:00  pm SLT DJ Ayko Aya
8:00 to 10:00 pm SLT DJ Pixie Adder

The amazing Belar Inshan Social Club

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Raffles for a Lapointe & Bastchild Gift Card & A Wonderful Weekend Getaway!

Come bid on two amazing Inspired Dreamwalkers raffles now available at the Halfway There celebration.

RFL Stepping Stones - Available from Inspired Dreamwalkers

Now available for a donation of L$300 or more:
Set of 5 RFL-themed Stepping Stones

These are Copy - Mod and are available in the Inspired Dreamwalkers' Vendor/Kiosk area at Halfway There: RFL Halfway 1990s (79, 142, 24)

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Dare to Care Tournament

L$10,000 Grand Prize
Sunday May 17th @ 12:30 (before weekly Greed Tournament)

Sponsored by Diamond Skies Gaming

Limited Seats
L$1000 Suggested donation
100% Goes to Relay For Life.

✧ Celebrate ✦ Remember ✦ Fight Back ✧


A waiting list can be made if there is need. This will be decided on a first-come, first-served basis.

Donations or questions can be sent to doll Funizza or Marina Sharpshire.

Good Luck!!